Economist Glossary

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The Economist includes helpful explanations in its articles when a term might be unfamilar to readers. We've compiled a glossary of the terms defined in recent articles.

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49,852 definitions from 19,860 articles

Glossary entries
Franco Dei Rossi
an affable 68-year-old street painter who founded the group nearly three decades ago
Hands to yourself: Volunteers are nabbing Venice’s pickpockets (Sep 5, 2019)
Mater Dei Hospital in Malta
a consultant to the ECDC
First, wash your hands: Why Dutch hospitals are so good at beating superbugs (Jan 26, 2019)
Opus Dei
a conservative Roman Catholic movement
The least bad option: In Peru’s presidential race there is no clear front runner (Mar 27, 2021)
Opus Dei
a conservative Roman Catholic movement
The least bad option: In Peru’s presidential race there is no clear front runner (Mar 25, 2021)
Vernon Madison
a 67-year-old from Alabama convicted of murdering a police officer three decades ago
The uncertainty principle: “Alias Grace”, another triumphant Atwood adaptation (Nov 9, 2017)

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